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Air Tank IN / 374

Air Tank IN / 374

1.600 KCr
Product Description

IN / 374 stainless steel air receiver tank with carbon steel support. The tanks are filled with 100 hours of the appropriate breathing gases (for example, Air-4, Air-8) for the user. This apparatus can be used underwa- ter. Also enables compressed-air-driven tool usage. Storage unit is typically coded to the air stored; for example, Air-6 for standard O-CO2-N human-breathable air, Air-9 for sophonts who breathe dense, tainted air, and so on. The size and composition of the storage medium depends largely on the tech level: lower tech levels store air in glass or metallic bottles, while higher tech levels may store it in more compact ceramic sponges, and so on.

Product Details
TL: 7
Mass (Kg): 100
Size: 5

Traveller 5.10 Core Rules Book 3 : Worlds and Adventures”, Miller, Marc W., Far Future Enterprises