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Type GE Gunned Escort

Type GE Gunned Escort

128 MCr
Product Description

The Type GE is a minor naval vessel deployed in a defensive role; the ship favors gun weaponry (primarily plasma or fusion guns).

The ship has three modes of operation:

  • Standard with Drop Tanks (400 tons): Jump Drive H in 400-ton hull produces Jump-4. Maneuver Drive H = 4G.
  • Without Drop Tanks (300 tons): Although Jump Drive-H in a 300-ton hull can produce Jump-5, in-hull fuel tankage restricts the drive effect to Jump-2 (based on 60 tons of fuel). Maneuver Drive-H = 5G.
  • Special (300 tons after dropping tanks): The ship with Drop Tanks and Transfer Pump can process 150 tons of fuel to support Jump-5, with the Drop Tanks shed before Jump initiates.

The 100-ton Drop Tank can support one HardPoint and associated weapon.

Product Details
Displacement (tons): 400

Traveller 5.10 Core Rules Book 2 : Starships”, Miller, Marc W., Far Future Enterprises